
Terser Vs. Uglify Vs. Babel-minify: Comparing JavaScript Minifiers

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  • Carmelo 작성
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The size of this file is 135B, which is a nearly 40 percent reduction and a much better way to minify the code. It directly improves the efficiency of transferring this over the network and runs on browsers because Babel can transpile the code. There are various plugins available, too. As we can see, Terser performs the best for projects based on React. You can find the results for other web frameworks in the Babel repo. In this section, we will look at the process of configuring a minifier for a React app. Let’s use Terser in this example to minify the React application. To achieve this in a streamlined fashion, we use webpack. From the code above, we can see that the entry point of webpack is index.js inside src/, and the final output will be stored inside the dist/ directory as bundle.js. The Optimization field pulls the TerserPlugin in for the minification process. Now, let’s run webpack to statically build our app for production.

Regardless of what you do on Facebook, your profile picture is always visible. It’s everywhere. It acts as an avatar in your posts on your timeline, in the news feed of your followers, in comments, etc. This is why it’s important to opt for a profile pic that best supports your business ideas. You could even combine it with your cover photo. Aesthetically speaking, this could look great. However, don’t forget that your profile picture should make perfect sense when viewed on its own. Size-wise, the Facebook profile image should be 180 x 180px (the same goes for both the regular profile pic and the one on business profile pages). The minimum width is 180px. As for the height, don’t go below 180px, or the pic will be blurry. Since Facebook scales down images, your 180x180px pic will scale to 170 x 170px on desktop, 128 x 128px on smartphones, and to 32 x 32px as a photo thumbnail. A Facebook cover photo is visible on your profile only.

All told, subsidized Stafford loans are the best student loan deal available, but eligible undergraduate students can only take out a total of $23,000 in subsidized loans, and no more than $3,500 their freshman year, $4,500 their sophomore year and $5,500 junior year and beyond. For students who are ineligible to receive subsidized loans, unsubsidized Stafford loans are available. These offer the same low interest rate as subsidized loans, but without the government-funded interest payments. That means that interest accumulates while you are in school, and is then added to the amount you have to pay back (also known as your principal balance) once you graduate. While this may sound like a minor difference, it can add up to hundreds or thousands of dollars of debt beyond what you borrowed. A good student loan repayment calculator takes into account the difference between subsidized and unsubsidized loans. Along with the specific ceiling of $23,000 for subsidized Stafford loans, there is a limit on the cumulative total of unsubsidized and subsidized combined that any one student can take out.

Search engines like Google, Yahoo, and a myriad of others became one of the cornerstones of the industry long ago, for one simple reason: They enabled internet users to find your articles, based on things like keyword placement and density, titles, headings and - you guessed it: word count. Interestingly enough, SEO concepts are based on some of the most basic reasons why word count is important, so rather than go into a detailed explanation, let's look at those reasons. Reader attention span: Whether you're writing to entertain, inform, sell, or "all of the above", you have a limited time to capture and hold the attention of your audience. Among other things, this is one of the reasons books are written in chapters. Micro-fiction: For an author of fictional stories, this genre is a fun challenge. It involves telling a complete story in a very limited number of words. Efficiency: Though somewhat based on attention span, it's often necessary to condense complex ideas into fewer words.

So I decided to create another JSON Schema validator. One of the problems in JSON Schema adoption is the lack of tools to test the schemas. From what I have observed, developers write only a handful of tests where validation passes and from these tests make a conclusion that their schemas are correct. The only way to thoroughly test JSON Schemas is to write tests when validation fails sufficient to cover all keywords used in the schema. But how "sufficient to cover" can be measured? Given that Ajv compiles schemas to JavaScript functions, it is possible to measure code coverage of the schemas. The problem though is that the coverage reports are not very useful - it is not very easy to see JSON Schemas behind generated JavaScript code (as you can see in the earlier example). I’ve started working on tools that allow to test schemas and generate code coverage reports.

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